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Criffel Cleaning > Contact us

Contact Criffel Cleaning

Criffel Cleaning Services are based in the heart of Dumfries on the Edinburgh Road. Please find all of our contact details below.


01387 269045


52 Edinburgh Road, Dumfries, DG1 1JU, Scotland



Contact Form


Our Team

We have over 100 employees working at Criffel Cleaning Services and looking after our employees is just as important as looking after our customers, meet the team that keep things running.

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Join the Team

Please have a look over the vacancies listed to see if the hours and location would suit you. If you are interested get in touch with us for more information or fill in the vacancy form.

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Customer Service

In order for us to deliver the greatest level of customer service we continue to invest in software and systems that enable our office based staff to communicate with those in the field accurately and efficiently.

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